Can you think of someone who is vulnerable to being taken advantage of by a family member?
Familial trafficking is one of the most severe forms of child victimization known to our country. These crimes have a pervasive impact on the child, altering their development and life trajectory. There is a need for multiple red flags in order to fully understand that a person and their situation are indicative of familial trafficking.
Cognitive & Communication
Memory deficits, attention deficits, learning disabilities, developmental delays, autism spectrum disorder
Difficulty recounting personal narrative
Difficulty identifying preferences
Difficulty making decisions
Difficulty communicating needs and asking for help
Intermittent difficulty recalling daily-life experiences
Angry outbursts
Self-harm (cutting, burning, head banging, nail biting, hair pulling, pica, skin picking)
Difficulty coping with change & rigid thinking
Sleep disturbances (over sleeping, difficulty falling/staying asleep, nightmares)
Anxiety & phobias
Generalized sense of unsafety & impending doom
Fear of specific time of day; day of the week or month; time of year or holiday
Eating disorder
Seemingly underreaction or flat affect when under stress
Seemingly overreaction to non-stressful events
Inability to name complex emotions
Hypervigilance/preoccupation with safety or seemingly unaware of danger
Depend on others for validation and to reflect self-confidence
Obsessive Thinking / Ruminating
Loss of pets (pass away, given away)
Frequent travel, including being transported from home late at night
Virtual learning or homeschooling
School & district hopping
Irregular school attendance & frequent tardiness
Lack of community involvement (extra curricular activities)
Difficulty forming and keeping friends
Aversion to being photographed
Aversion to using bathroom or being in a room with a closed door
Bullied or bullier
Aversion (or lack of enthusiasm) to parent, family member, or guardian
Age-inappropriate sexual knowledge, behavior, or language
Casual discussion or play surrounding severe violence
Overly sensitive gag reflex
Heightened startle response
Lack of emergency care & delayed presentation to medical staff; overall health care avoidance, particularly mental health
Hygiene neglect (typical with parent drug abuse)
Habitual intake of cold & allergy medication (over use & inappropriate use); off-label use of psychoactive medications
Rocking, stomach complaints particularly when toileting
Somatization & vague physical complaints including fatigue, stomach, and throat pain
Frequent throat infections, mouth ulcers, and STIs
Pregnancy & abortion
Chronic constipation & UTIs
Blood in underwear and/or painful urination without the presence of a UTI
Signs of physical trauma or injury
Parental Context
Religious enmeshment
Authoritarian parenting, discipline without explanation
Morality champion, rule-oriented
Status and obedience oriented
Strict disciplinarian, corporal punishment
Substance dependence and/or substance trafficking
Frequent travel & overnight stays
Frequent guests in home
Access to technology (photo, video, printing, file-sharing capabilities) & Knowledge of Internet security, P2P forums
Financially controlling
Disinterest & disengagement in child’s education & overall welfare
“Weird” (breaks social norms, lack of boundaries)
Controlling / hovering / helicopter parent
Domestic abuse in home (mental, emotional, verbal)
Pathological liar
Drug abuse and drug trafficking in home
Lack of empathy
Personal history with childhood sexual, physical abuse, and exposure to domestic violence
Strict disciplinarian & corporal punishment
Supervises child’s medical & psychological evaluations, assessments, and examines
Parents describe child as overly emotional, dramatic, mentally ill
Aliases & nicknames
Accepts frequent gifts or donations of value
“Small business” owner (can be anything from a flea market table to ministry to mechanic)
History of criminal behavior, misuse of resources & poor business practices
History of involvement with the sex trade
Involvement with a fundamental religious group or other extremist group
What can I do?
Never try to intervene directly. Rather establish a safe and long-term relationship with the individual. Call the human trafficking hotline, report to your local child protective agency, and file a report with your local law enforcement agency.
ASK: How do you sleep at night? Do you have nightmares? Do you take medication that makes you sleep? Do you like being alone with Dad? How about mom?
DO: Always screen for dissociation in conjunction with ADHD & LD